Sunday, June 30, 2013

This video made my day.

RHPSmagenta put out a funny video today.  If you don't know what Poe's law is you can click HERE to read it.

I got such a kick out of this video I just had to share it with you guys.

The link to the arizona law she is quoting is HERE.  I will also post the text of the law here for you.

I think my favorite part of the video was when she did a dead pan delivery into the camera and telling the audience that she has a duty to report me to the State.

Sadly though, some people didn't get the joke and you can tell by the comments they left that they think she is actually serious.

The KEY WORD is "visual" people.  Some people are just so filled with hate they can't see an obvious joke to save their life.  Me and my friends are the ones flagging this crap down.  A URL to a terminated channel is not a "visual depiction"  Even if you look up the channel with Google cache it shows blank thumbnails.

However for anyone who wishes to file a report on me for flagging down child porn you may do so HERE.

Be sure to tell them that I spend a few hours each week targeting this stuff and you find this offensive.  Also be sure NOT to mention AgentofDoubt posting the URLs to a public forum.  We don't want him to get into trouble.

Big thanks to RHPSmagenta for the support.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My only response to Brett Keane Drama

As some of you may know Brett Keane went on his website and said some stuff about me.  Since that post some friends have cut off contact and others are upset with me.  However this is all I have to say on the matter.  I remain loyal to my friends.  This is not the first time Brett has attacked me in video and most likely it won't be the last.

As far as some context, Brett naturally was under some stress for losing his YouTube account.  I stayed up with him half the night into the wee hours.  Sadly I lost my temper with him when he blamed me for getting his account shut down and I yelled at him.  I should not have done that.

I woke up to find a new video about me on his website.  I didn't watch much of it and I certainly do not intend to respond to it as doing so would put stress on the friendship.  For the record I do deny what he said about me.  He sent me this via skype

The conversation went on from there and eventually a skype call where we made up.  I am still talking to people who are upset with me for what I did to Brett.  They claim I got his account shut down.  I still maintain my innocence, however I will allow people to hate me because I can take it.

There have also been drama hounds pouncing on this even though it doesn't concern them.  I will not be responding to them.  I can't control people sticking their nose in things that don't concern them, all I can do is control how I react to it.

Deep down Brett Keane is a good person.  Perhaps I am one of the few who can see it, I don't know.  However, he doesn't have too many people willing to stick by him.  If it means that occasionally things go sour on my end then so be it.  I stand by my friends.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

AgentofDoubt Ends The Truce?

Today I logged on and found a new video about me today from AgentofDoubt and below is the video embedded.

He also linked to this BLOG POST of the skype conversation between himself and Brett Keane.  Now the issue between these two people isn't really any of my business and I am not really going to take sides.  However, he did mention me in the video.  For those who do not know, AgentofDoubt and myself had a bit of an issue last week.  The issue was a comment left on my video seen here in this screen shot.

It turns out PwnageAlstars is a colab channel that AgentofDoubt is in.  I found this out later in a skype conversation.  Anyway my reply is based on a video he did a few weeks ago when he posted a video and included this text in his video description.