This is the message I was instructed to send out.
This is the message back that I get from their contact at YouTube
Partner Support was the next one to contact me but they inform me that the message did not reach them because I was no longer a Partner
My recruiter with Machinima then sends me this message
Finally I am sent this message from YouTube letting me link into Machinima's Adsense
Now on March 30th when my contract with Machinima is terminated I will lose all the perks of being a Partner such as banners and custom thumbnails. The thumbnails I currently have will remain but I wont' be able to create new ones until I rejoin the Partner Program or join another network.
Setting up account monetization should be easy as the system is automated but that means that I have to submit each and every video once again for revenue sharing. Likewise joining another network would mean that I would have to monetize each and every video one by one in their system.
Applying to the Partner Program can take months. So I expect I will accept one of the offers the two networks currently recruiting me are offering.